A friend informed that the GST will also be applicable to Gold and Silver Bar Purchase/Investment.
Definitely, a case of a tax on Investment / Savings.
Normally, Investors and/or Savers will be taxed(if any) on their Investment upon maturity and/or profits received BUT apparently its NOT in the case of Gold and Silver in Malaysia.
What Options do Muslims have when ASB is Haram ( Reason HERE ) and the same goes for "Forced" Savings in EPF/KWSP ( Reason HERE )???

( Official Letter dated January 2014 )
Savings / Investment Options:-
(A) Mudharabah Investment (AMGIA / GIA)
- Returns do not keep pace with inflation.
- No Brainer, "HARAM"
(C) Unit Trust
- Seriously, with the weekly outflow of foreign funds since Budget 2014 was tabled in 2013!!!!????
(D) EPF / KWSP -
as per (B) above.

( Letter from EPF to PPIM )
- ...emmm....too many stories!
So How?