...bertempat di replika Istana Kesultanan Melaka pada hari Ahad, 2hb Disember 2012(sekitar Jam 5ptg) Saudara Radzi Sapiee, bagi pihak Himpunan Kedaulatan Melayu Islam Akhir Zaman (HIKMAH) telah membaca "Pernyataan HIKMAH Melaka" di suatu majlis yang diberi nama "Pertemuan Busana Melayu & Pendekar Melaka".
Pernyataan 10 Perkara telah dibacakan kepada wakil Ketua Menteri Melaka YB Dato' Ali Rustam iaitu Dato Latif Thamby Chik(EXCO, Pelancongan & Kebudayaan).
Pernyataan 10 Perkara telah dirumuskan dari 2 acara HIKMAH berikut:-
(1) Suai-Kenal HIKMAH
Nota 1: 4 November 2012 di Yayasan Restu, Shah Alam
Nota 2: Baca DISINI
(2) Wacana Keilmuan HIKMAH: Memartabatkan Kembali Kegemilangan Tamadun Melayu
Nota 1: 25 November 2012 di Kolej Antarabangsa Yayasan Melaka.
Nota 2: Baca DISINI
Nota 3: Anjuran bersama HIKMAH, MAGMA, DMDI, PERZIM & Kerajaan Negeri Melaka
Adalah dianggarkan lebih daripada 300-350 peserta telah hadir di dalam setiap acara yang dijalankan, menjadikannya lebih dari 600-700 orang yang telah mengambil bahagian didalam acara anjuran atau anjuran bersama HIKMAH. Jika ditambah dengan peserta yang hadir pada acara hari ini, lebih dari 1,000 orang telah terbabit secara langsung atau tidak langsung dengan Pernyataan HIKMAH Melaka.
10 Perkara tersebut dibaca dibaca dengan terang untuk hadirin yang hadir tanpa mengira bangsa.
Perkara yang ingin saya ketengahkan adalah Perkara Nombor 6 yang membabitkan Pengunaan Dinar & dirham.
( sambung bila saya balik ke KL )
~ REVIVING Commodity / Value-based CURRENCY & Commodity-based TRADING (including BARTER transaction) ~ [Surah AL-BAQARAH, 279: And if you do not, then be warned of a WAR (against you) from Allah and His messenger. And if you repent, then you have your principal (without interest). Wrong not, and you shall not be wronged ].
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Wacana Keilmuan HIKMAH: " Memartabatkan Kembali Kegemilangan Tamadun Melayu "
Laporan Sesi Pagi di blog rasmi HIKMAH, baca DISINI
Program "Wacana Keilmuan HIKMAH: Memartabatkan Kembali Kegemilangan Tamadun Melayu" telah berjaya dijalankan di Kolej Yayasan Melaka Antarabangsa pada hari Ahad 11 Muharam 1434 Hijrah.
Pembentangan kertas bertajuk "Matawang Syariah & Melayu: PENIPUAN dalam Kewangan dan Perlembagaan???", versi Kedua telah dizahirkan oleh Pembentang pertama dari Qiblah Consulting.
Antara Penambahbaikan yang dilakukan untuk Versi 2 adalah:-
(1) Bagaimana tertempanya DInar Islam Pertama. Baca DISINI
(2) Senario Pengunaan DINAR & Dirham(Dnd) di Malaysia
(3) Cara DINAR&dirham(Dnd) boleh digunakan untuk Muamalah dan lain-lain acara.
Di akhir sesi semasa sesi soal jawab ada pertanyaan dari seorang penulis yang bertanyakan mengenai adakah praktikal pengunaan Dnd atau ianya sekadar teori semata-mata. Saya mengambil kesempatan menunjukkan contoh bagaimana Muamalah dilakukan mengunakan Dnd dengan membeli buku karya Radzi Sapiee dengan bayaran 2 dirham.
( Gambar: Ihsan blog HIKMAH MELAYU )
( Gambar: Ihsan fb - Tun Muhamad Farul Azri )
( Semasa Pembentangan )
(Semasa Pembentangan Kertas Kerja-" Matawang Syariah & Melayu: PDK&P?" versi Kedua)
( Sesi Soal Jawab )
Saturday, November 17, 2012
The Dinars of Abdul Malik Marwan
( Abdul Malik Marwan Dinar, Version 1 )
Full Story, upon Release of a book titled "DEBASEMENT" in January 2013(tentative)by Bro.Hishamuddin Kasim of 24 Qirats.
( Abdul Malik Marwan Dinar, Version 2 )
Monday, November 5, 2012
Matawang Shariah & Melayu: PENIPUAN dalam Kewangan & Perlembagaan?
( Gambar: Ihsan fb Rafidah Harun )
Pembentangan bertajuk seperti yang tertera di atas telah dizahirkan pada pagi hari Ahad, 4 November 2012 di Yayasan Restu - Shah Alam, Selangor dalam suatu Majlis bernama " SUAI-KENAL HIKMAH ".
Laporan Majlis, DISINI & SINI
3 RUMUSAN Pembentangan:-
(1) Matawang Melayu Islam yang pada fitrahnya sudah mengikuti sunnah Nabi Muhammad SAW mengalami perubahan kerna ditipu secara halus oleh penjajah apabila Nota Hutang (IOU Notes) telah diperkenalkan.
(2) Perlembagaan Malaysia diterapkan nilai Sekularisma dengan adanya "Federal & State List". Perkara berkaitan Islam Dan Adat Melayu berada di bawah bidangkuasa/naungan Sultan(State List) tetapi kenapa "Perbankan Islam" di bawah Kerajaan Persekutuan(Federal List)?
(3) Kembalikan pengunaan Matawang Sunnah & Perbetulkan Perlembagaan.
Syukran saya ucapkan kepada Pengasas HIKMAH iaitu Saudara Radzi Sapiee di atas jemputan Pembentangan.
Catatan Pembentangan, DISINI.
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
GoldCrest Pavillion (GCP) HQ, visited!
TODAY, I visited the Goldcrest Pavillion (GCP) HQ in Nilai, Negeri Sembilan.
Visit GCP's Official Website HERE.
For a FIRST timer, GCP's office is a little bit difficult to find. Among the landmarks are Ice Room, Pizza Hut and Courts. The place is on Jalan BBN 1/E and is located on the 1st floor in a row of shophouses. It is located between Bank Rakyat on one end and Hailam Kopitiam on the other end and is nearby a Dialysis centre.
The purpose of the visit is to find out more about the company and the operations of the company in view of the recent Gold Raids(Read HERE)by the Malaysian authorities.
Met Bi(M) & Ayu who answered my queries, showed some samples(Jewelleries and its different patterns/designs, a 50gm GCP Gold Bar and 100gm GCP Silver Bar) and handed over some reading materials. Unfortunately, was unable to transact as I've to wait for another 204 dealers to sign up before the required number is available.
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
HIKMAH - Himpunan Kedaulatan Melayu Islam Akhir Zaman
UPDATE 17/10:
Organiser informed that due to overwhelming response, venue might be changed to a place that can accommodate more than 200people.
Programme: Himpunan Kedaulatan Melayu Islam Akhir Zaman (HIKMAH).
Date : Sunday, 4 November 2012 (9AM - 1PM )
Venue: Section 7, Shah Alam (TBC)
HIKMAH Programme Background, Read HERE
Radzi Sapiee, Author of a few Books (Berpetualang ke Aceh - Book 1, 2 & 3 and other titles) is the Founding Promoter and Organiser for this event.
Organiser informed that due to overwhelming response, venue might be changed to a place that can accommodate more than 200people.
Programme: Himpunan Kedaulatan Melayu Islam Akhir Zaman (HIKMAH).
Date : Sunday, 4 November 2012 (9AM - 1PM )
Venue: Section 7, Shah Alam (TBC)
HIKMAH Programme Background, Read HERE
Radzi Sapiee, Author of a few Books (Berpetualang ke Aceh - Book 1, 2 & 3 and other titles) is the Founding Promoter and Organiser for this event.
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
11,011 PageVIEWS on 10/10/12
TODAY I.e. 10/10/12, the 11,011 PageVIEWS milestone for this blog - ACHIEVED.
Popular Posts are:-
(1)1,470 Kunjungan ke Pageantary Gold (AUGUST 18, 2011)
(2) 678. "Islamic Gold Dinar: Myths & Reality" (JANUARY, 2011)
(3) 376. Dinar Dirham Event (MAY, 2011)
(4) 323. KBI Launches Gold Dinar & Bar Products (JUNE, 2011)
(5) 248. Gold Discussion in 2nd GIFF (OCTOBER, 2010)
(6) 237. 54 Tahun Merdeka, Masih DiJajah
(7) 203. History MADE by RMC Batch '83-'87 (AUGUST, 2011)
(8) 188. Launching of SRDC (2011)
(9) 108. Gold Investment (2011)
(10) 91. Qirad Agreement in Dinar & Dirham(MARCH, 2011)
Top 10 Visiting Countries are as follows:-
(2). USA
(8). UK
Note: According to the Blogspot stats, 11k PageVIEWS were recorded. However, according to the "FlagCounter" stats only slightly above 9k PageVIEWS were recorded. I am not sure why there's such a discrepancy.
To ALL Who Had Visited This Blog, THANK YOU VERY MUCH for the Support Given and Interest Shown. A SPECIAL THANKS goes especially to those who had taken the time to Comment on the Blog Post(s).
Popular Posts are:-
(1)1,470 Kunjungan ke Pageantary Gold (AUGUST 18, 2011)
(2) 678. "Islamic Gold Dinar: Myths & Reality" (JANUARY, 2011)
(3) 376. Dinar Dirham Event (MAY, 2011)
(4) 323. KBI Launches Gold Dinar & Bar Products (JUNE, 2011)
(5) 248. Gold Discussion in 2nd GIFF (OCTOBER, 2010)
(6) 237. 54 Tahun Merdeka, Masih DiJajah
(7) 203. History MADE by RMC Batch '83-'87 (AUGUST, 2011)
(8) 188. Launching of SRDC (2011)
(9) 108. Gold Investment (2011)
(10) 91. Qirad Agreement in Dinar & Dirham(MARCH, 2011)
Top 10 Visiting Countries are as follows:-
(2). USA
(8). UK
Note: According to the Blogspot stats, 11k PageVIEWS were recorded. However, according to the "FlagCounter" stats only slightly above 9k PageVIEWS were recorded. I am not sure why there's such a discrepancy.
To ALL Who Had Visited This Blog, THANK YOU VERY MUCH for the Support Given and Interest Shown. A SPECIAL THANKS goes especially to those who had taken the time to Comment on the Blog Post(s).
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
GOLD RAIDS - In Malaysia & Singapore !!!
The Powers that be seemed to be in a "golden" mood nowadays.
Some mainstream news:-
New Straits Times
4 Companies have been raided & it's assets frozen to-date. They are:-
(1) Caesar Gold
(2) Genneva Malaysia Sdn Bhd
(3) Pageantary Gold Bhd
(4) Worldwide Far East Sdn Bhd
Bank Negara Malaysia(BNM) Statement, HERE
I had some experience with 2 of the companies raided.
One had publicize pictures of a Royalty...the King to be precise, gracing their launch event in the Souvenir/Itinerary Booklet(which is then sold to agents as a marketing tool) to the extent that my neighborhood doctor persuaded me to view their operations at The Kuchai Lama area in KL and wanted me to invest...Luckily I did not. In addition, prior to going to the place, I'd contacted one of the Syariah Advisor and he'd asked me to checkout the operations and inform him later of my observations.
Another company I went to in the Setapak area (Read HERE) and had even attended their 1st Anniversary event as a VIP Guest in a KL hotel, informed me that they were in the midst of implementing a similar scheme to the 1st company I went to and was finalising their submissions to the SSM (Companies Commission) for a trust to be created to administer/manage thescheme...I am now wondering what happened to their SSM submissions.
My 177 Dinar Advice - Make Sure You Get ACTUAl Gold Bar(s) and/or Dinar(s) and/or Jewelry when investing in so-called "Gold Investment" scheme.
(1) Rumours has it that upwards of RM500m have been invested by "investors" in the 4companies raided by the authorities. Some estimates that upwards of RM1b.
(2) Another rumour has it that The amount invested in gold had the authorities worried as banking deposits and investments in the securities market are affected.
(3) Even another rumour making the rounds is that confidence in paper currency has taken a dive generally with Quantitative Easing 1, 2 and now QE3. This is coupled with the fact that 2 states in the USA i.e.UTAH (2011) and SOUTH CAROLINA (2012)had legalised the use of Gold and Silver as an alternative currency to the USD.
(to be continued)
Some mainstream news:-
New Straits Times
4 Companies have been raided & it's assets frozen to-date. They are:-
(1) Caesar Gold
(2) Genneva Malaysia Sdn Bhd
(3) Pageantary Gold Bhd
(4) Worldwide Far East Sdn Bhd
Bank Negara Malaysia(BNM) Statement, HERE
I had some experience with 2 of the companies raided.
One had publicize pictures of a Royalty...the King to be precise, gracing their launch event in the Souvenir/Itinerary Booklet(which is then sold to agents as a marketing tool) to the extent that my neighborhood doctor persuaded me to view their operations at The Kuchai Lama area in KL and wanted me to invest...Luckily I did not. In addition, prior to going to the place, I'd contacted one of the Syariah Advisor and he'd asked me to checkout the operations and inform him later of my observations.
Another company I went to in the Setapak area (Read HERE) and had even attended their 1st Anniversary event as a VIP Guest in a KL hotel, informed me that they were in the midst of implementing a similar scheme to the 1st company I went to and was finalising their submissions to the SSM (Companies Commission) for a trust to be created to administer/manage thescheme...I am now wondering what happened to their SSM submissions.
My 177 Dinar Advice - Make Sure You Get ACTUAl Gold Bar(s) and/or Dinar(s) and/or Jewelry when investing in so-called "Gold Investment" scheme.
(1) Rumours has it that upwards of RM500m have been invested by "investors" in the 4companies raided by the authorities. Some estimates that upwards of RM1b.
(2) Another rumour has it that The amount invested in gold had the authorities worried as banking deposits and investments in the securities market are affected.
(3) Even another rumour making the rounds is that confidence in paper currency has taken a dive generally with Quantitative Easing 1, 2 and now QE3. This is coupled with the fact that 2 states in the USA i.e.UTAH (2011) and SOUTH CAROLINA (2012)had legalised the use of Gold and Silver as an alternative currency to the USD.
(to be continued)
Saturday, October 6, 2012
UPDATE, October 2012: Matters Concluded in 2012.
Amirul HM Consulting & Services(AHM CREATES) had just(3rd Quarter 2011) structured a Mudharabah contract in an International Trade txn involving 2 countries I.e. Malaysia & China.
FACTS of the DEAL:
(1) Reference Currencies:
1. GOLD Dinar & Silver Dirham
2. Ringgit Malaysia
3. US Dollars
(2) Transaction Value:
40 Dinars & Dirham change
(3) Purpose of Al-Mudharabah:
The Mudharabah is for the purchase of vegetables in China, importing it into Malaysia and reselling the vegetables in the Malaysian market.
(4) Profit-Sharing Ratio(PSR)
(5) Misc. Items
1. Dirham Change: To avoid strict referencing to certain currencies, certain value added matters/services were included.
2. Documents:
Amirul HM Consulting & Services(AHM CREATES) had just(3rd Quarter 2011) structured a Mudharabah contract in an International Trade txn involving 2 countries I.e. Malaysia & China.
FACTS of the DEAL:
(1) Reference Currencies:
1. GOLD Dinar & Silver Dirham
2. Ringgit Malaysia
3. US Dollars
(2) Transaction Value:
40 Dinars & Dirham change
(3) Purpose of Al-Mudharabah:
The Mudharabah is for the purchase of vegetables in China, importing it into Malaysia and reselling the vegetables in the Malaysian market.
(4) Profit-Sharing Ratio(PSR)
(5) Misc. Items
1. Dirham Change: To avoid strict referencing to certain currencies, certain value added matters/services were included.
2. Documents:
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Why "SALT" as a Currency??? My Weltanschauung!
During Prophet Muhammad SAW (PBUH) time, HE'd used other types of commodities as currencies apart from the GOLD dinar, SILVER dirham and fulus. Amongst the commodities used were Wheat(Flour/Gandum), Barley, Dates(Kurma) and of all things....... SALT (GARAM)!!!
At times, JUST THINKING about the Gold dinar & Silver dirham would at times lead to certain people displaying "strange" or, "eccentric" behaviour. I've seen both the best or altruist behaviour of MAN(...and WOMAN) and the worst or ugly behaviour of "D&d Activists" aka Dinarist during my travels. Had even had a couple of strange dreams and unique experiences in this knowledge quest.
Many a times, I find myself asking/stating "IF" or, "IF ONLY"!!??? Thus, I'd wondered and would suggest that readers and activists "cleansed" their thoughts once in a while when discussions on the Dinar & Dirham becomes too "intense"...by thinking about the other types of commodities used by our Prophet Muhammad PBUH and WHY!?
In my case, I'd always wondered why "SALT"???
My inner prayers were answered when I travelled into the Royal Belum Rainforrest area (in the State of Perak, Malaysia) late last Year(4th Quarter 2011) and spent some time with the Jahei clan...(1-1.5 hrs by boat fm Pulau Banding to their settlement). The Jahei clan/community leads a simple life...the term "Kais Pagi, Makan Pagi. Kais Petang Makan Petang" applies to this clan...they can't plant stuffs like fruits or vegetables NOT because they are lazy but because circumstances do not permit. If they plant stuffs, elephants will come and wreak havoc....and by the way, somebody was just eaten by a tiger a few days/weeks before I got there.
(Continuing Story). Part 2:
I tried to promote the Gold Dinar & Silver Dirham to the Jahei people when I was asked:
"ini barang Ada magik ke bang? Boleh tolong aku ke kalau kena kejar dengan Gajah atau Rimau? (Is there any magic in this thing? Can it help me if I'm chased by an Elephant or a tiger?).
It was then that I learnt that the clan used SALT as one of their currency apart from other foodstuffs. ....which lead me to the next question - "What the heck do they do with the SALT? "
Simply put, The SALT will be placed in bamboo or wood casing & hung at "popular" areas frequented by animals. When animals licks the salt from the casing, they'll be killed(either by dart, spear, slingshot etc) and wallah, food for the clan - THANKS to SALT! And that, is why salt can be used as a currency!!!
Another point to note: Paper Money is at times used to start a fire especially during wet/rainy season! GO FIGURE!!!
Monday, June 18, 2012
KGT Appoints Wakalah for THAILAND & SINGAPORE
UPDATE 02/12/12:
Qafilah's Website is 'live' at:- www.qafilahgold.com
Date : Monday, 18 June 2012 (3.30PM). 1433 Hijrah.
Venue: Kelantan Trade Centre, Kota Bharu
Function: " Halal Convention Based On The Dinar Dirham " (In Conjunction with Islamic World Trade Expo 2012 from 15-20 June 2012).
The Kelantan Golden Trade Sdn. Bhd.(KGT) Signed a MOU with 2 Wakalahs to expand into the overseas market.
The Wakalahs are appointed to distribute the Kelantan Dinar & Dirham in Thailand and Singapore respectively.
QAFILAH RESOURCES(QR) was appointed to be the Wakalah in Singapore. Mr.Faroq Iskandar, Chief Marketing Officer of QR represented both the Singapore and Malaysia operations of QR during the MOU signing ceremony. Dato Husam Musa (Kelantan State EXCO Member) and Board Members of KGT witnessed the signing of the MOU.
Qafilah's Website is 'live' at:- www.qafilahgold.com
Date : Monday, 18 June 2012 (3.30PM). 1433 Hijrah.
Venue: Kelantan Trade Centre, Kota Bharu
Function: " Halal Convention Based On The Dinar Dirham " (In Conjunction with Islamic World Trade Expo 2012 from 15-20 June 2012).
The Kelantan Golden Trade Sdn. Bhd.(KGT) Signed a MOU with 2 Wakalahs to expand into the overseas market.
The Wakalahs are appointed to distribute the Kelantan Dinar & Dirham in Thailand and Singapore respectively.
QAFILAH RESOURCES(QR) was appointed to be the Wakalah in Singapore. Mr.Faroq Iskandar, Chief Marketing Officer of QR represented both the Singapore and Malaysia operations of QR during the MOU signing ceremony. Dato Husam Musa (Kelantan State EXCO Member) and Board Members of KGT witnessed the signing of the MOU.
Thursday, May 10, 2012
SEMINAR DINAR EMAS: Pengukuhan Ekonomi Ummah
Venue: Tun Dr.Ismail Hall, PWTC - KL
Organiser: M.M.Publications
From my observations, the Seminar organised by MMP is more for those just starting to learn about the Dinar and Dirham. The only session worthy of mention for those at the "intermediate" or, "advanced" level is the Q&A Forum at the end of the Seminar.
In future, I would suggest that similarly themed Seminar on Dinar and Dirham should have sessions on:-
(1) History of Dinar and dirham(Dnd);
(2) Characteristics of Dnd;
(3) Dnd Standards;
(4) Way Forward for Dnd e.g. Wadiah, Ar-Rahnu, Transfer & Settlement Mechanis etc.
Refer Original Post at:- halalfinancing.blogspot.com
Note: I would like to convey my utmost appreciation to KGT & MMP for the kind invitation to attend the Seminar. Syukran.
Organiser: M.M.Publications
From my observations, the Seminar organised by MMP is more for those just starting to learn about the Dinar and Dirham. The only session worthy of mention for those at the "intermediate" or, "advanced" level is the Q&A Forum at the end of the Seminar.
In future, I would suggest that similarly themed Seminar on Dinar and Dirham should have sessions on:-
(1) History of Dinar and dirham(Dnd);
(2) Characteristics of Dnd;
(3) Dnd Standards;
(4) Way Forward for Dnd e.g. Wadiah, Ar-Rahnu, Transfer & Settlement Mechanis etc.
Refer Original Post at:- halalfinancing.blogspot.com
Note: I would like to convey my utmost appreciation to KGT & MMP for the kind invitation to attend the Seminar. Syukran.
Sunday, May 6, 2012
KEDAH Darul Aman, 3rd State to Introduce Dnd
On 15 July 2012, Kedah Darul Aman will be the 3rd state in Malaysia after Kelantan(2006) and Perak(2011) to introduce the Gold Dinar and Silver Dirham.
The coins will be issued in conjunction with Sultan Abdul Halim Muad'zam Syah 50th year of reign.
For the 1st time, a 20 Dinar coin will be introduced in Malaysia (...and PERHAPS the World!?). The Gold Dinar will be available in 3 denominations I.e. 2, 8 and 20 Dinars. Whilst the 5 and 10 Dirham coins will be made available for the Silver Dirham.
As reported in the Press - Initially, 200sets will be made available by K-Gold Sdn.Bhd ( a JV company between the State Government & a private entity).
(1) The Star
The coins will be issued in conjunction with Sultan Abdul Halim Muad'zam Syah 50th year of reign.
For the 1st time, a 20 Dinar coin will be introduced in Malaysia (...and PERHAPS the World!?). The Gold Dinar will be available in 3 denominations I.e. 2, 8 and 20 Dinars. Whilst the 5 and 10 Dirham coins will be made available for the Silver Dirham.
As reported in the Press - Initially, 200sets will be made available by K-Gold Sdn.Bhd ( a JV company between the State Government & a private entity).
(1) The Star
Friday, April 13, 2012
#49 in WORLD Gold Reserves Ranking - MALAYSIA
MALAYSIA is NO.49 in the World with respect to our Gold Reserves as at January 2012.
( Read, http://www.relbanks.com/rankings/world-gold-reserves )
The ranking DOES NOT concern me, what I'm concerned about are:-
1) The actual tonnage that Malaysia holds I.e. approx.37 tonnes.
2) Gold percentage as a percentage of Malaysia's Forex Reserves I.e. 1.5%
To be crude Malaysia's Ringgit is part of a massive, legalised "Pak Man Telo" scam.
Why do I say that!!!???
Ringgit is backed by a basket of currencies. Though the % holdings are never known, it's a "no-brainer" that the "usual suspects or culprits" held as reserves by BNM are the US Dollar, European EURO, Japanese Yen & Chinese Yuan.
Most of these currencies' economies are to put it mildly in "deep shit". USA with it's various Quantitative Easings (QE 1, 2 etc), Europe with the PIIGS economies bankrupt or almost there coupled with slow or negative growth, record unemployment and Japan with fractional growth.
You can relate this to the 2008/2009 Sub-Prime crisis, where financial instruments of a lower financial rating e.g. BBB+ are put/bundled together and given a higher rating e.g. A or, AA by the Rating Agencies like Moodys, Fitch etc ( paid by Investment banks) and sold
immediately to the money/financial market by these banks not wanting to keep this repackaged instruments as an "On Balance Sheet" item.
NOW, replace certain words in the above statement with the following:-
Forex = Sub-Prime
Currency = Financial Instruments
Country Rating = Financial Rating
Country/Nation = Investment Banks / Banks
GDP/GNP = On Balance Sheet Item.
......and wallah!
Yet, the currencies of these troubled economies are "Propping Up" or, forming the backbone of our Ringgit.
( Read, http://www.relbanks.com/rankings/world-gold-reserves )
The ranking DOES NOT concern me, what I'm concerned about are:-
1) The actual tonnage that Malaysia holds I.e. approx.37 tonnes.
2) Gold percentage as a percentage of Malaysia's Forex Reserves I.e. 1.5%
To be crude Malaysia's Ringgit is part of a massive, legalised "Pak Man Telo" scam.
Why do I say that!!!???
Ringgit is backed by a basket of currencies. Though the % holdings are never known, it's a "no-brainer" that the "usual suspects or culprits" held as reserves by BNM are the US Dollar, European EURO, Japanese Yen & Chinese Yuan.
Most of these currencies' economies are to put it mildly in "deep shit". USA with it's various Quantitative Easings (QE 1, 2 etc), Europe with the PIIGS economies bankrupt or almost there coupled with slow or negative growth, record unemployment and Japan with fractional growth.
You can relate this to the 2008/2009 Sub-Prime crisis, where financial instruments of a lower financial rating e.g. BBB+ are put/bundled together and given a higher rating e.g. A or, AA by the Rating Agencies like Moodys, Fitch etc ( paid by Investment banks) and sold
immediately to the money/financial market by these banks not wanting to keep this repackaged instruments as an "On Balance Sheet" item.
NOW, replace certain words in the above statement with the following:-
Forex = Sub-Prime
Currency = Financial Instruments
Country Rating = Financial Rating
Country/Nation = Investment Banks / Banks
GDP/GNP = On Balance Sheet Item.
......and wallah!
Yet, the currencies of these troubled economies are "Propping Up" or, forming the backbone of our Ringgit.
Thursday, April 12, 2012
When a Financial system is UNJUST, alternatives will appear. Please click at the respective Names given below.
Examples of Alternative Currencies:-
Richard Branson
Examples of Alternative Currencies:-
Richard Branson
Saturday, April 7, 2012
SOUTH CAROLINA - 2nd US State Legalised the Usage of Gold & Silver coins!!!!!!!
SOUTH CAROLINA, USA became the second US state after Utah(2011) to legalise the usage of gold and silver coins as a currency.
Which state will be next amongst the More than 10 states in various process of legislating and ratifying the laws for the usage of gold and silver coins as a currency - Iowa, Georgia, Minnesota, Tennesse.......Your guess is as good as mine!!!
USA: 2 (4%) out of 50 states had Passed Legislation for the Usage of Gold & Silver coins as a Currency. Utah(2011) & S.Carolina(2012).
MALAYSIA: 2 (15.4%) out of 13 states had Introduced the Gold Dinar & Silver Dirham. Kelantan(2006) & Perak(2011).
Which state will be next amongst the More than 10 states in various process of legislating and ratifying the laws for the usage of gold and silver coins as a currency - Iowa, Georgia, Minnesota, Tennesse.......Your guess is as good as mine!!!
USA: 2 (4%) out of 50 states had Passed Legislation for the Usage of Gold & Silver coins as a Currency. Utah(2011) & S.Carolina(2012).
MALAYSIA: 2 (15.4%) out of 13 states had Introduced the Gold Dinar & Silver Dirham. Kelantan(2006) & Perak(2011).
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Koperasi BELIA ISLAM (KBI) Introduces Dinar & Gold Savings Account
I believed a WORLD first had just happened.
A Gold Dinar Savings account have just been introduced by Koperasi Belia Islam-KBI.
Further details will be updated SOON.
A Gold Dinar Savings account have just been introduced by Koperasi Belia Islam-KBI.
Further details will be updated SOON.
Monday, March 26, 2012
KELANTAN - " Land of Dinar & Dirham "
( Signage at Pasar Siti Khadijah - Kota Bharu, Kelantan Darul Naim ).
Whilst on a working trip to Kota Bharu-Kelantan, I'd spotted the above signage on the wall of the Siti Khadijah market in Kota Bharu.
Hope the necessary authorities update the date and prices on a daily basis....OR, is it safe to assume that the traders already know the daily rates that renders a daily update unnecessary anymore!???
To the uninitiated, the price in RM of the Dinar & Dirham when it was launched on 2 Ramadhan 1431 Hijrah ( 12 August 2010 ) compared to the date of this blog post are as follows:-
2010 (10 August ). 2012 ( 27 March ). % ( Increase )
---------------------- ------------------- -----------------
1) GOLD DINAR. 581.00 / 792.00 / 36.32% INCREASE
2) SILVER DIRHAM. 13.00 / 25.00 / 92.31% INCREASE
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Call fm KOTA TINGGI - Johor
*** The power of the net ***
This week, I'd received a call from Kota Tinggi, Johor asking for details/explanation between Kelantan, Koperasi Belia Islam(KBI) and PG Dinar. What was interesting was the fact that the caller got my number from this blog.
After speaking for 10-15 minutes, Mr.M agreed to my suggestion and asked me to recommend the nearest available Dealer so that he can exchange his intended monthly savings from fiat money to Dinar & dirham.
GOD is GREAT!!!!!!!
This week, I'd received a call from Kota Tinggi, Johor asking for details/explanation between Kelantan, Koperasi Belia Islam(KBI) and PG Dinar. What was interesting was the fact that the caller got my number from this blog.
After speaking for 10-15 minutes, Mr.M agreed to my suggestion and asked me to recommend the nearest available Dealer so that he can exchange his intended monthly savings from fiat money to Dinar & dirham.
GOD is GREAT!!!!!!!
Saturday, March 3, 2012
QIRAD Agreement in Dinar&Dirham!

( Copy of the "Prototype" Qirad Agreement being viewed )
A QIRAD (Trading Mudharabah)Agreement was signed today in Bandar Baru Bangi, Selangor - Malaysia during the 2nd SOUQ QAFILAH-Muamalah Madinah.
The purpose of the Qirad is mainly for the trading of rice.
Nominated currency is the Gold Dinar and Silver Dirham, whenever and wherever possible. Furthermore, whenever and wherever possible, only Dinar and Dirham adhering to the World Islamic Mint(WIM) standards are to be used.

( Table with the Yellow Table Cover belongs to Qafilah KL-IIUM )
On another matter, Qafilahs from Overseas are participating as well. Amongst the countries seen at the 2nd Souq MM were France, Sudan & Sulu Dar Al-Islam as well as local Qafilahs. Making its maiden debut is the Qafilah "KL-IIUM" selling Nablus Palestinian Soaps, Baraka Habatus Sauda from Egypt & Rani Fruit Drink from Saudi Arabia amongst its merchandise.
( a Customer paying 2 Silver Dirhams for the purchase of some Palestinian soaps )
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
EXCLUSIVE Interview with TDM
View the Discourse with Tun Dr. Mahathir on the GOLD DINAR.
Channel 127, Hypp TV-UNIFI's YouTube Channel.
Channel 127, Hypp TV-UNIFI's YouTube Channel.
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Koperasi Amal Madinah Berhad Is FORMED
Today....Saturday, 28th January 2012 ( 5 Rabiul Awal, 1433 Hijrah ), the KOPERASI AMAL MADINAH BERHAD is "formed".
More than 77 individuals attended the Inaugural AGM at Bukit Damansara, Kuala Lumpur...some even from Perak and Pahang.
12 were elected to be the Board Member or, " Ahli Lembaga Koperasi - ALK " of the Co-operative.
Amongst matters resolved during the Inaugural AGM:-
1) Application Fee = RM25 ( Individual / Businesses / Co-operatives )
2) Registration Fees = RM 100 ( Individuals ) / RM 500 ( Businesses ) / RM 2,000 ( Co-operatives )
3) Minimum Shareholding = RM 100 ( Individual ) / RM 500 ( Businesses ) / RM 1,000 ( Co-operatives )
4) Max. Limit per Project. = RM 30 million
5) Max. Liability Limit. = RM 3 million
What was interesting during the AGM was the reluctance of members to "take on" debt. This matter was highlighted by the Lady Official from the Co-operatives Commission or, " SURUHANJAYA KOPERASI" in her parting speech.
I wish all the best to Koperasi Amal Madinah Berhad as well as it's members. May your intention to follow the traditions of Muamalah in Madinah during Prophet's Muhammad receives Allah's full blessings and guidance.
More than 77 individuals attended the Inaugural AGM at Bukit Damansara, Kuala Lumpur...some even from Perak and Pahang.
12 were elected to be the Board Member or, " Ahli Lembaga Koperasi - ALK " of the Co-operative.
Amongst matters resolved during the Inaugural AGM:-
1) Application Fee = RM25 ( Individual / Businesses / Co-operatives )
2) Registration Fees = RM 100 ( Individuals ) / RM 500 ( Businesses ) / RM 2,000 ( Co-operatives )
3) Minimum Shareholding = RM 100 ( Individual ) / RM 500 ( Businesses ) / RM 1,000 ( Co-operatives )
4) Max. Limit per Project. = RM 30 million
5) Max. Liability Limit. = RM 3 million
What was interesting during the AGM was the reluctance of members to "take on" debt. This matter was highlighted by the Lady Official from the Co-operatives Commission or, " SURUHANJAYA KOPERASI" in her parting speech.
I wish all the best to Koperasi Amal Madinah Berhad as well as it's members. May your intention to follow the traditions of Muamalah in Madinah during Prophet's Muhammad receives Allah's full blessings and guidance.
Sunday, January 15, 2012
GOLD DINAR - the ThOUGHTS of Mahathir Mohamad
On Monday, 16 January 2012 I was given the privilege of interviewing Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad - Statesman & the Fourth Prime Minister of Malaysia (1981-2003) for the TV programme I'm hosting at Channel 127, Hypp TV - UNIFI. The programme is simply called " ISLAMiC FiNANCE @ The Capital TV " and we're currently in between episodes 6 and 7 of the First Season which started airing in December 2011.
Sneak Peek of the Discourse at:- ISLAMiC FiNANCE @ The Capital TV
The discourse between Tun Mahathir and I started at 4pm and ended almost an hour later.
By 8pm dinner time, Capital TV had already labelled the Discourse as an Exclusive. Read their website:- The Capital TV
Saturday, January 7, 2012
Launch of Dinihari Dinar Website - www.diniharidinar.com
TODAY, Saturday 13 Safar 1433 Hijrah (7th January 2012)...the Dinihari Dinar website is officially launched at Masjid Saidina Umar Al-Khatab, Bukit Damansara, KL-MALAYSIA,NUSANTARA.
Syukran & Kudos to ALL those involved in the Design, Launching & subsequent Administration of the Dinihari Dinar website I.e. "http://diniharidinar.com/v1/ ". Special mention to the untiring Sidi Mazli Alias and Mohd Jalaluddin Ahmad...NOT forgetting the Directory Team of CEO Yusmilawati Ibrahim, Alawiyah Abdul Rahman Vadillo and the rest who undertook the "messy" job of compiling and organising the Directory of Dnd outlets.
Personally, I think this is one of the most, IF NOT, the MOST comprehensive Dinar & Dirham Website NOT ONLY in MALAYSIA but the WORLD.
Checkout, the Directory listing of Outlets accepting the Gold Dinar and Silver Dirham in MALAYSIA as well as INTERNATIONALLY.
It is my fervent hope that the Dinihari Dinar website Team continuously improves the website and not rest on their laurels.
May ALLAH SWT give ALL involved HIS Blessings."ALLAH Knows Best"
Syukran & Kudos to ALL those involved in the Design, Launching & subsequent Administration of the Dinihari Dinar website I.e. "http://diniharidinar.com/v1/ ". Special mention to the untiring Sidi Mazli Alias and Mohd Jalaluddin Ahmad...NOT forgetting the Directory Team of CEO Yusmilawati Ibrahim, Alawiyah Abdul Rahman Vadillo and the rest who undertook the "messy" job of compiling and organising the Directory of Dnd outlets.
Personally, I think this is one of the most, IF NOT, the MOST comprehensive Dinar & Dirham Website NOT ONLY in MALAYSIA but the WORLD.
Checkout, the Directory listing of Outlets accepting the Gold Dinar and Silver Dirham in MALAYSIA as well as INTERNATIONALLY.
It is my fervent hope that the Dinihari Dinar website Team continuously improves the website and not rest on their laurels.
May ALLAH SWT give ALL involved HIS Blessings."ALLAH Knows Best"
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